Friday, December 5, 2008

Goals for Cycle Three

What are your goals for cycle three?
 Many of us have the common goal of wanting to pass all of our classes.  However, often times we make decisions that get in the way of us achieving that goal.  What are the small steps that you must take to reach your goals.  What behaviors are you working on to be successful?  Getting up in the morning?  Going to sleep early at night?  Planing ahead for appointments during vacations and after school?  Eating Breakfast?  Having a positive attitude?  Staying focused on school?  Staying out of conflicts and drama?  Studying?  Getting the most out of school, and trying to learn?  Completing all of your work and homework?  Write three specific goals you have for cycle three.  Think about your classes, attendance, the time you are getting to school, bringing up your average, following rules, attitude and behavior, and plans for college and the future. 

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